Chimbu Province

Chimbu Province

Chimbu Province

Chimbu, more frequently spelled Simbu, is a province in the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea. The province has an area of 6,112 km2 and a population of 376,473 (2011 census). The capital of the province is Kundiawa. Mount Wilhelm, the tallest mountain in Papua New Guinea, is on the border of Simbu.

Chimbu is located in the central highlands cordillera of Papua New Guinea. It shares geographic and political boundaries with five provinces: Jiwaka, Eastern Highlands, Southern Highlands, Gulf and Madang. It is a significant source of organically produced coffee.

Chimbu is a province with limited natural resources and very rugged mountainous terrain. The economic progress of the province has been slower than some other highlands provinces.

There are seven secondary schools in the province: Kondiu Rosary, Yauwe Moses, Kerowagi, Muaina, Gumine, Mt Willem and Kundiawa Day Secondary School. The province also has many high and primary schools.

Districts and LLGs
The province is subdivided into six districts, with each district further subdivided into 18 rural LLGs and 2 urban LLGs areas. Each of the RLLGs are headed by a President and Urban LLG by a Mayor. Each LLGs have various council wards represented by a councillor who sits in the Council Assembly. All the councillors are democratically elected and Presidents are elected in the Council Assembly. For census purposes, the LLG areas are again subdivided into wards and those into census units.

District District Capital LLG Name
Chuave District Chuave Chuave Rural
Elimbari Rural
Siane Rural
Gumine District Gumine Bomai-Gumai Rural
Gumine Rural
Mount Digine Rural
Karimui-Nomane District Karimui Karimui Rural
Nomane Rural
Salt Rural
Kerowagi District Kerowagi Gena-Waugla Rural
Upper-Lower Koronigl Rural
Kerowagi Urban
Kup Rural
Kundiawa-Gembogl District Kundiawa Kundiawa Urban
Mitnande Rural (Mount Wilhelm Rural)
Niglkande Rural
Waiye Rural
Sina Sina-Yonggomugl District Yonggomugl Tabare Rural (Sinasina)
Suai Rural (Suwai)
Yonggomugl Rural

Political governance and& administration
Politics The current governor, Michael Bogai Dua, was elected in the 2017 national election under the new Limited Preferential Voting (LPV) system. The Governor is the head of the provincial government and is chairman of the Provincial Executive Council (PEC), Chairman of Joint Provincial Planning & Budgets Priorities Committee (JPPBPC) and is the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. Each of the 6 districts have 3 LLGs except Kerowagi and Kundiawa which has an Urban LLG each and Presidents and Mayors are Chairmans of each LLG Assemblies. All the 18 LLG Presidents, 2 Mayors and 4 nominee members constitute the Provincial Legislative Council. Governor appoints about 8 LLG Presidents to form the PEC and a further 8 LLG Presidents and nominated members to form the JPPBPC.

Administration Administrative structures is also arranged to complement the political structure where 6 districts administrations and 20 LLG administrations are created and required number of public servants located at each level of management. There are two major functions, Corporate Management and Field Services with respective associated functions. Under the corporate sector, the major functions include HRM, Legal Service, Planning, Budget, Secretariat, Revenue, Assets & Procurement and Audit while the field services sector comprise education, infrastructure, primary industry, commerce, tourism, community services, law & justice and provincial affairs. The sectors are headed by Deputy Provincial Administrators and functions are headed by Principal Advisors. All the 6 Districts are headed by District Administrators or District CEOs with LLG Managers managing each of the 20 LLGs. The provincial administration is headed by the provincial administrator. The current administrator is Michael Bal Temai,and he served as Project Manager for North Simbu Rural Development Project, Principal Advisor for Planning and Budget before being appointed Porvincial Administrator on October 4th 2018. He is from the Dinga tribe of Sinasina Yongomugl District.

Finance & Budget Internal revenue for the provincial government is limited and only enabled SPG to raise revenue within the range PGK3m to K5M. The PNG government provides service function grants for each major function and development grants under PSIP nd DSIP. Each MP is provided with K10m annually apart from other support that maybe provided through the public investment program (PIP). For 2021, the following grants were appropriated to Simbu Provincial Government 6x DSIP K10,000,000 (K60M) PSIP K10,000,000 Education K10,838,416 Infrastructure K11,515,675 Primary Industry K2,001,427 Village Court K771,164 Lands Services K88,628 Administration K4,071,934 Support Service K3,178,229 20x LLG total K1,909,100 Salary Staff K20,215,008 Salary Teachers K73,750,634


Corporate Goals Strategy 1: Promote & provide quality governance & modern corporate management support Strategy 2: Effective Leadership in Finance & Management Systems Strategy 3: Effective Leadership in Field Services Delivery Operations Strategy 4: Effectively provide quality & accessible health services Strategy 5: Effectively provide quality & accessible education services Strategy 6: Provide improved & quality transport infrastructure services Strategy 7: Provide quality community & social services support Strategy 8: Promote & provide quality economic investment support Strategy 9: Provide quality support for agriculture based production systems to improve income potentials Strategy 10: Maintain safer communities through effective support for law & justice Strategy 11: Provide effective management support for Lands Strategy 12: Effective Leadership in District & LLG Management

The provincial headquarters is Kundiawa, which is also the location of the province’s main airport. Air Niugini makes three flights to Kundiawa each week. There are many guest houses within the proximity of Kundiawa town.

Chimbu provincial leaders
The province was governed by a decentralised provincial administration, headed by a Premier, from 1977 to 1995. Following reforms taking effect that year, the national government reassumed some powers, and the role of Premier was replaced by a position of Governor, to be held by the winner of the province-wide seat in the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea

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